Wednesday, May 20, 2009

climate change review

Everyone knows these days that global warming is a big problem in our life. Global warming has increased more than before. Of course there are many causes for this problem; also there are many solutions that the scientists have discovered. In this blog I’m going to write a problem-solution report about global warming and give a solutions plan in my opinion.

The problems that face us about the global warming are many. I’ll talk about the most important issues. The first problem associated with global warming is the effect on animals. In general, it affects nature. According to the WWF it affects the lives of the animals and their lifestyle for many countries. That means if the climate changed 1’C, it will have effects in big ways. Imagine it changing to 5 C? It will be a catastrophe. Another problem caused by global warming is rising sea levels as Jeneen Hobby said in his report from The sea level will increase by “no more than 6m” and will cover the islands near the coast. A third problem is the increase of carbon dioxide. If the carbon dioxide level increase, the temperature of the earth will rise and it will become hotter.

Although there are lot problems for global warming, also there are several things we can do to solve the problem of global warming. One solution is to use clean technologies as ELPC said in The clean technologies will decrease carbon dioxide by 51%. Another solution is to plant the earth with more trees. When the trees breathe, they take the carbon dioxide and produce oxygen. A third solution is to use electricity instead of fuel and gases. When the people depend more on electrical energy the carbon dioxide will decrease.

Overall, in my opinion global warming can be controlled if we control our lifestyle and try to not do unnecessary things. And if we try to use fewer cars and big machines that create a lot of carbon dioxide. Each small change in our life will have an effect on the earth.

Hobby, Jeneen. "Sopoanga, Saufatu, Prime Minister of Tuvalu (2003-)." Worldmark Encyclopedia of the Nations World Leaders. Ed. Mary Rose Bonk. Detroit: Gale, 2003. Student Resource Center - Gold. Gale. Higher Colleges of Technology. 17 May. 2009

WWF_The impacts that climate change brings 17/May/2009.

Website_ELPC_University of Michigan scientist and ELPC adviser Knute Nadelhoffer 17/May/2009

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

cool cities

Since the start of the industrial revolution, there have been some problems associated with economic development like: rises in population, increased energy consumption, traffic delays and increases in carbon dioxide emitted into the air. If we don’t solve these problems we will need another earth to replace our own. By one half (50%) we will have to decrease the amount of carbon dioxide emitted into the air to live within the capacity of a single earth.
In Japan during the last 30 years GDP (Gross Domestic Product) has gone up 100 percent while energy efficiency has increased 37 percent and oil consumption has decrease 8 percent. About 90 percent of carbon dioxide emitted into the air comes from building and transportation. Cool City was built by SDCJ and also they are from Japan. There are three types of transportation that will be used in Cool City like hybrid cars, water taxis and light railway. Business, commercial/ cultural and residential are the various zones in the city. There are some techniques that will reduce heat by water, trees and roof membranes. 60% is the overall percentage of reduction of CO2 emissions claimed in the video.

In my opinion, cool city is a great city because it is an environmental city. In addition the city takes care about our planet by lots of things such as tree planting ,waterways ,rooftop membranes. I hope there will be more cities in the world like cool city.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

European Initiative

In the beginning of the article there was a conflict or disagreeable about British to not be considered as a part of European country. Several European countries are making challenges to make a movement of changes for their climate and energy security in their own countries. Carbon dioxide got different percentages in European countries, but lowers than other countries around the world. European countries depends more on other resources such as water, air, tidal power and biofuels in introducing energy and that too these resources can be renewable. Some other countries like France; they use different resources like Nuclear for reducing the amount of Carbon dioxide. Furthermore, the European countries trying to put some new technologies in petrol station which can also reduce the toxic substance, and to save their environment. The Europeans were having a competition among each other in developing and having a hug amount of using a Nuclear energy in their countries rather than using other resources. Their next planning is to change the climate in order to have a less amount of Carbon in the future. Finally, due to the risk situation that European countries are in, they are trying now to get help from other countries and from all around the globe as well to come up with the solution of reducing a greenhouse gas in the weather which consider the main problem for the climate changing.

Main idea:
European countries are concerned about their climate changes, and about the amount of Carbon that is being produces from the daily activities. They are planning to use other resources like water, air, so on in order to reduce the amount of carbon. Moreover, they made different treaties with their sibling countries to get involved in how their climate can be changed.

1- The countries must agree at least on something that will save their resources and their climate in future.
2- Greenhouse gas can form a serious matter if it started increasing on the weather.
3- European countries can unit together to form a strong united country and fulfill their planning.
4- Orientation can play a big role in warning people about how to use natural or renewable resources in order to have a less amount of carbon dioxide on the weather.

Carbon footprint

Carbon footprint
A Carbon footprint is the total of greenhouse gas emissions caused by a person, company or product. The carbon footprint is measured in units in kilograms of carbon dioxide. Another word which means carbon footprint is ecological footprint, and many others words.
I measured my carbon footprint at and it was 3.35 planets. The average of my class was about 3.67.
The main factors were:
1) Travel
2) Home
3) Food
4) Stuff
My carbon footprint is considered good when compared to the rest of my classmates; most of my classmates scored about 3.5-4.5; and I was about average so I believe that I did well compare to the rest of the class.

We can reduce our carbon footprint by changing our lifestyle, first we need to change the way we travel around. Since the UAE has a weak public transportation system, everyone uses his own car to go to work or travel around town. I don’t think changing one person’s life style will have a effect and we all need to change our lifestyle to have a slight change in this effect.

Monday, April 20, 2009

review of An Inconvenient Truth

Inconvenient Truth movie:
Starring: Al Gore
Directed by: Davis Guggenheim

This movie talks about a global warming. People had been divided in two parts after looking at this movie. Some of them got positive views like Helen OHara and some other negative views like Karina Montgomery.
Positive point of view:
About positive view, Helen said that it’s a Powerful, intelligent and surprisingly entertaining, Gore presents a compelling case. You’ll believe a film can change the world.
Negative point of view: (Karina Montgomery)
While it is a sobering film, it is not depressing...there might be more fun ways to spend your summer afternoon, but Gore infuses his talk with much more than just, as he calls it, a nature hike through the Book of Revelations.
My point of view about this issue, I think that Helen’s opinion about the movie is more conscious one and agreeable. Because after watching this movie, I too got the same feeling. I think people should look or think about the movie in positive way. This movie taught us many lesson about our environment in the past, present, and future. People should obtain knowledge and spot good ideas for their own benefit.In the movie, Gore got enough graphs, charts, and clear pictures about the environment changes. He treated his audience like adults, laying out a detailed, and explanation of what is going on our climate in the past, present and future. Moreover, the movie describes that’s it can certainly lead the rest of the world in stopping global warming.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

An Inconvenient Truth

An Inconvenient Truth talks on Al Gore and his travels to support of his efforts to educate the audience about the severity of the climate crisis. Gore says, "I've been trying to tell this story for a long time and I feel as if I've failed to get the message across." The film slightly follows a keynote presentation that Gore presented throughout the world. It intersperses Gore's exploration of information and predictions regarding climate changes and its potential for disaster with Gore's personal life story.It weaves in events that changed his world view, including his college education with early climate expert Roger Reveille at Harvard University, his sister's death from lung cancer and his young son's near-fatal car accident. For comic effect, Gore also uses a clip from the Futurama episode "Crises of the hot" to explain global warming. Gore refers to his loss to George W.Bush in the 2000 United States presidential election as a "hard blow" yet subsequently "brought into clear focus, the mission he had been pursuing for all these years."
I think that the film is very important and useful . everybody have to think about that and make our planet better to live.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

An introduction to global warming

Global warming has been a serious problem since decades, and it keeps developing by the time. In previous era, the amount of carbon dioxide has increased and kept changing over the time due to the agricultural activities such as raising cattle and growing rice.

Human activities and nature influences are the two main reasons for causing a global warming. Human activities cause global warming such as driving cars, using electricity and heating our homes with oil. Moreover, green house gases which have a great impact on atmosphere and environment. As a result, having accumulated amount of green gases, trap heat on atmosphere and less goes back to out space. Furthermore, the serious problem that might be followed by global warming is the climate changes due to the less amount of heat in atmosphere. In addition, species are extinct and not able to adapt the new environment. Finally, changing in climate might cause a sever storms and floods.

My comment:

In my point of view, global warming is a serious problem because it has a big impact on our climate and species. Some of species do not exist anymore because they couldn’t fit into the new and changed environment. In addition, human beings will be affected by global warming in losing their normal environment and traveling to the different places searching for a good habitat. My advice is that human being should be careful in how to use the recourse in a suitable way.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

My name is Abdulla Ahmed AlShehhi. I am 18 years old. I am a second year student in HCT and I study business. I study business because I love this major. I live in Abu Dhabi in the Khalifa City. However I was born in Abu Dhabi in Al/Corniche Hospital. My family lived in Ras AlKhaimah and Dubai for 30 years but suddenly my father changed the destination to Abu Dhabi because of his job. We still visit Ras AlKhaimah and Dubai and I have alot of friends there and I go there every weekend and I also go to visit my relatives in Ras AlKhaimah and Dubai. Sometimes when I’m sitting at home in Abu Dhabi I go to walk around Khalifa City, and I go to meet a friend.
In this blog project, Hedley is encouraging us to think critically and analytically about the issues of climate change and global warming. Global warming means that the ice soon will melt down and the earth will be soon a desert if we don’t stop using cars and polluting the world.